Expert in explosion protection

Financial calendar

July 24, 2024

Chiffre d’affaires du 1er semestre 2024

Financial information

Press releases

A word from the Chairman

"After 40 years in business, STIF is now entering a new cycle of strong growth with its new range of products dedicated to BESS[1] explosion protection for renewable energy storage. The number of installations is set to grow exponentially over the next few years, with capacity increasing 5-fold by 2030[2]. With its internationally recognized expertise in the manufacture of dust explosion-proof panels, the Group intends to gain a lasting foothold in this related market. We have already secured several references from leading BESS manufacturers. They will contribute to our sales growth, with the ambition of reaching €80 million by 2027. We have high ambitions and are delighted to be able to call on the stock markets to support our Group's strong growth. I hope that our project will attract your attention and that we will be able to count you among our future shareholders, for the emergence of a global expert in industrial explosion protection and renewable energies."

[1] BESS: Battery Energy Storage System

[2] Source: McKinsey - August 2023

José Burgos

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, STIF

Share information

Listing date: December 20, 2023
Listing market: Euronext Growth Paris
Mnemonic code: ALSTI
ISIN code: FR001400MDW2
Eligibility: PEA and PEA-PME

Capital breakdown

to December 20, 2023

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